Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Uncaught TypeError-undefined is not a function

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a functionUncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function in datepicker

This error takes my 2 hours today I was developing an application and I never gone through this error before First time i got this error and it shuffles me for two big hours

You will get number of solutions over forums
But sorry to say all these are workaround to get rid-off that error
very less tried to explain why this error came and what is meaning of this error .

Today after spending my 2 hours on this simple error i decided to write something about solution to this error

CAUSE OF ERROR :Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

This error clearly means this is some function that is undefined in the class from which we are accessing it

Like in my case this error was coming at this line :-

$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
jquery( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();

The main reason behind this error is Jquery Multiple versions calling . If you are using jquery and you have refrenced multiple versions of jquery like Jquery1.10.2 and Jquery 2.0.1 in same file then mostly this error will come at runtime at that page .

The reason behind why it says Undefined TypeError because when multiple versions of jquery are called on same page then we are having two jquery script running and they are like -

1.  Jquery1_10_2
2.  Jquery2_0_1

and we are using only jquery or a '$' dollar symbol there and when browser is unable to find Jquery there then how can it find datepicker function or any other function that you are using at that time . This is main cause of error

Solution of Error : 

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

So let's talk about solutions to this error . I tried my best at 1:00 AM at Night to find solution to this error and then share it with my blog readers

Now we need to tell browser that we need to use specific version of juery only if we are using multiple versions of jquery on same page

Otherwise simple solution would be to remove the second refrenced version of jquery if possible

so in order to tell broser that we are using specific version of jquery we need to make some changes to our code

Like in my case i am using following code to put jquery datepicker on my website and i am using
jquery1_11_0 version of jquery
So here is my code i have replaced '$' or jquery with jquery1_11_0 and that's it the problem is solved

<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var jQuery_1_11_0 = $.noConflict(true);
    jQuery_1_11_0(document).ready(function () {


Friday, 2 January 2015

Nopcommerce Developer Guide

Internship - Day 1

Today was first day of my internship Period of 6 months . I am very happy to start my internship with Abax Technologies . Abax technologies is a recognized IT company Situated in Noida . It deals with Desktop , web and Mobile application development and providing solutions to market .

Mr. Rohit Jain is CEO of Company and I am doing Internship under their guidance .

Now came to work -- On 2nd January - 8:23 am Rohit Sir posted my first task on skype . My first task was first to learn more about Nopcommerce , Its Architecture , Plugin development , Module Development , Theme development and widget development .

First i need to download the source code for Nopcommerce form Nopcommerce office webiste then using that source code to compile it , set up its database then run a demo site in nopcommerce .

After setup the demo site for nopcommerce it started exploring its source code architecture and learn more about it from its developer's documentation

I have previously done a ecommerce website in Nopcommerce but at that time i used Nopcommerce 1.9 version that was version of nopcommerce Now i am going to use Nopcommerce 3.2 and this version is really cool . It is MVC version of nopcommerce using Linq queries instead of using sql and using Razor view engines and more flexibility . Actually I liked this version .

Important Links that i have studied and explored today -

Link for Nopcommerce Developer's Documentation
Nopcommerce Developer Documentation

Nopcommerce uses code first approach for each and every development component in nopcommerce so i decided to first give a look at code first approach to revise my concepts about codefirst approach

Code First Approach Documentation MVC

After Reading about code first approach of Nopcommerce I reached a Nerd Dinner app that is MVC app that uses code first approch for MVC application development
Nerd Dinner MVC App with Code First Approach

So that was it for the day i learned number of things today

Today I have explored following Modules -

1. Nopcommerce Installation v3.20 (mvc)
2. Explored Nopcommerce Developers Documentation
3. Exploring Nopcommerce Architecture
4. Explored Nopcommerce Theme CUstomization and Creating Own Theme
5. Exploring Plugin Development Documentation
     -- Created simple hello world Plugin

Next I will explore create plugins with database access and various nopcommerce inbuilt modules

Monday, 29 December 2014

Jan Creater of Whatsapp

From Welfare to WhatsApp

Jan ( co-founder whatsapp) , who turns 38 this year, was just a teenager when he emigrated to the U.S. from a small village outside Kiev, Ukraine. Life in rural Kiev, a city that is currently rife with political tension and mass protests, was not easy. Jan's home had no hot water, and his parents refused to use the phone, which was tapped by the government. Once in the U.S., he taught himself computer networking by reading manuals bought from a used bookstore.
In 1997, he met his future WhatsApp cofounder, Brian, who convinced Jan to join Yahoo! even though he was still in college. Jan became an infrastructure engineer at Yahoo! and dropped out of San Jose State University. The two still describe themselves as "two guys who spent combined 20 years doing geeky stuff at Yahoo! Inc. before starting WhatsApp Inc." on the company's About page.
The Forbes piece includes a photo of Jan signing the billion-dollar Facebook deal on the doors of his old welfare office in Mountain View, Calif.—a perfect full-circle summation of his rags-to-riches journey.


A Company With A Unique Vision

WhatsApp had a completely refreshing outlook on messaging between smartphones. Privacy was Jan's priority, first and foremost. The service has remained largely the same since 2009, with just a few more bells and whistles in its latest incarnation.
A user does not have to submit information like his or her name, gender, address, or age—just a phone number. No fancy username is required for WhatsApp; users log in with a 10-digit number. WhatsApp borrowed elements from instant messaging like status updates and "read" receipts (long before iMessage incorporated that feature).
Jan was interested in disrupting the way cell phone carriers nickeled-and-dimed customers for text messaging, which was especially useful for those looking to connect with loved ones overseas. The app quickly built a following in Europe and other international communities. By early 2011, WhatsApp was an App Store superstar, reaching the top 20, and has remained in the top 10 free apps ever since.

story of creater of whatsapp


Brian Acton ....A Person that is Vice President of Engineering At Yahoo . Left the job then Applied for Facebook Rejected there then started working on world's best messaging app


This Amazing pic above tells you everything . The person in the pic is 'BRIAN ACTON' The Creater of WhatsApp ( The Best cross-platform Mobile Messaging App ) .

It is the destiny that a person that applied for job in Facebook is rejected in 2009 and The same person with his team and with an awesome Idea Sold WhatsApp To Facebook for jaw-dropping deal of $19 billion

It clearly states Intelligence can never be stopped . IF you can think then that's all that you need to have .......

So from the pic all is clerified . Yes two months before Rejection from Facebook , Brian Acton The Creater of WhatsApp was Rejected from Twitter . That means Failures and Failures don't mean Defeat .

But the app's success did not come at a small price. Founders Jan Koum and Brian Acton are no strangers to failure, and their incredible journey speaks volumes about the value of tenacity and vision. Today, Jan and Brian's app is now the most valuable messaging platform on the planet

Also Read -
whatsapp -- A Company With A Unique Vision

Jan - Creater of Whatsapp

Don't Forget to Subscribe and Share Us.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Microsoft HTTP/API port 80 is actually used

Microsoft HTTP/API 2.0 Using Port 80,
WAMP - Your port 80 is actually used , change port number in wamp

After Installation of Wamp you may suffer from an Error that says that Your Port 80 is actually used , change port number in wamp
I decided to sit and give a search on this error to finally find and share an optimal solution to this error . This error may come if you have already Installed IIS Server on your windows Computer .
you may see one of these Errors :

 "Microsoft HTTP/API 2.0" Using Port 80

 WAMP - Your port 80 is actually used 

Steps For Optimal Solution to this Error -

1.  Updating/configuring httpd.conf file
2.  Updating/configuring wampmanager.tpl file
3.  Updating/configuring testport.php file
4.  Updating/configuring testportForInstall.php file
5.  Checking http.exe Application

 Updating/configuring httpd.conf file

httpd.conf file is http configuration file for apache server . All apache configuration in wamp are stored in this file . This file contains the information regarding which port and server is to connect for making connection to Server .

As this error states the port 80 is already used so follow the steps below to change the port that apache is using currently

Steps For Change Apache Port Number In WAMP

  • Click on Wamp Icon on quick Launch Bar 
  • In popup Menu click on Apache and then in further menu click on httpd.conf
  • It will open httpd.conf file in your editor like you can use Notepad
  • Now Press Ctrl + f and find for lines given below :

Listen [::0]:80

ServerName localhost:8080
  • Now Replace these lines with given below :

Listen [::0]:84

ServerName localhost:8484
  • Now it's done . Press Ctrl +s  to save all changes and close the httpd.conf file
  • Now again click on wamp icon in Quick Launch Bar and click On Restart All Services 

Updating/configuring wampmanager.tpl file

1. In order to find wampmanager.tpl file you need to go to following location .Like we have installed wamp in C drive then your wampmanager.tpl file location will be c:\wamp\wampmanager.tpl
2. Now open wampmanager.tpl file and press ctrl + f and find for 'testPort84' without quotes
3. Then replace -
testPort80 with atestPort84
4. Press ctrl + s to save changes and Close the File .

Updating/configuring testport.php file

Now we need to make changes to testport.php file . This file tests for whether the port 80 is available to install the apache service to that port . 

This file checks the socket port 80 for installation of apache service . use the simple steps below to configure testport.php file 

1. I will give you simple way to configure it Just open the file testport.php . File location will be available at C:\wamp\scripts\testport.php . Just open the file and replace all the test with text given below -

$fp = @fsockopen("", 84, $errno, $errstr, 1);
   $out = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
   $out .= "Host:\r\n";
   $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
if ($fp)
    echo  'Your port 84 is actually used by :';
   fwrite($fp, $out);
   while (!feof($fp)) 
        $line = fgets($fp, 128);
        if (ereg('Server: ',$line))
            echo $line;
            $gotInfo = 1;
    if ($gotInfo != 1)
        echo 'Information not available (might be Skype).';
    echo 'Your port 84 is not actually used.';
echo 'Press Enter to exit...';

 Updating/configuring testportForInstall.php file

Now we need to make changes to testportForInstall.php file . This file tests for whether the port 80 is available to install the apache service to that port . 

This file checks the socket port 80 for installation of apache service . use the simple steps below to configure testportForInstall.php file 

1. I will give you simple way to configure it Just open the file testport.php . File location will be available at C:\wamp\scripts\testportForInstall.php . Just open the file and replace all the test with text given below -

$fp = @fsockopen("", 84, $errno, $errstr, 1);
   $out = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
   $out .= "Host:\r\n";
   $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
if ($fp)
           echo  'Your port 84 is actually used by :

   fwrite($fp, $out);
   while (!feof($fp)) 
        $line = fgets($fp, 128);
        if (ereg('Server: ',$line))
            echo $line;
            $gotInfo = 1;
    if ($gotInfo != 1)
        echo 'Information not available (might be Skype).';
    echo '
Cannot install the Apache service, please stop this application and try again.

Press Enter to exit...';
    echo 'Your port 84 is available, Install will proceed.';
    echo '

Press Enter to continue...';

Checking http.exe Application

you can find httpd.exe file at location - C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\httpd.exe , if C is installed at C drive .

Double click on file it will open for a slight small amout of time and show you any error in first line if exist otherwise everything will be fine . If error exist then try to ensure you have done previous steps completely . As these are the final possible steps that may solve this problem

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Pass Data between Activity in Android

Hello Friends ,

Today I got one message from a person to tell him how to pass data between android activities So, I am going to give a simple way for how we can transfer data or how we can pass data across activities in android . In android we use activity for  each layout code .

I am using Mono Android for this article but that will similar functions in Dalvik android that is used with java based android applications .

Here are simple Steps How to Pass data between Activities in Android Using Csharp -

  1. Open Visual Studio . Click on File --> New Project -->
  2. Now choose Mono For Android and click on Android Application . Now Simple Android application will be created
  3. This project will create a single activity named MainActivity (MainActivity.cs), which contains a button.
  4. Add a second New activity class named Activity2 to the project. by right click on Solution Name and click on New then click on Android Activity leave the name as default and click on Ok  This class must inherit from Android.App.Activity .
  5. right click on layout folder inside Resource folder then click new and choose Android Layout give it a name and leave as default and click ok .
  6. In the button.Click handler in MainActivity.cs , create an intent for Activity2 , and add data to the intent by calling PutExtra and this data given in Put Extra will be transfered to Activity2 . Add the Code Below for that :-
 button.Click += delegate {
               // button.Text = string.Format("{0} clicks!", count++);
                var activity2 = new Intent(this, typeof(Activity2));
                activity2.PutExtra("MyData", "Data from Activity1");
      7. Now Open you layout.xm file in Resource --> layout folder ( layout folder under resource folder ) . Add code below to it for Adding button under <linearlayout> tag :-

        android:text="@string/Hello" />    string text = Intent.GetStringExtra

    8. Now add code below to Newly added Activity - activity2.cs under Activiy.Oncreate Method :-
            ("MyData") ?? "Data not available";
            string text1 = Intent.GetStringExtra("MyData");
            Button button = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton);
            button.Text = text;

       9. Now Run the app by pressing F5 and see the output in emulator as below -
Pass Data between Activity in android 
10. Now click on button saying "Hello World,Click Me!" Now you will see New Avtivity Activity2 as below that contain the text that we have passed from activity Activity1

Pass Data between Activity in android 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Import dbf database in sqlserver

Steps For Importing Dbf database into Sql Server

There is no appropriate way or direct way to do that but nothing is impossible so there is workaround that can be done to perform this task . Here is the steps :-

  • First we have to convert the .dbf format data into .csv format data
  • Then depending on table structure Create the Table in database one by one 
  • Then using import bulk options of sql server that accept the data in csv format we can easily insert data in sql server

Convert DBF to CSV

DBF Converter allows you convert a single dbf file or folder with dbf files to csv format from GUI or command line.
1. Select the dbf file or foder with dbf files for batch conversion.
2. Select the output csv file or folder for csv files for batch conversion.

Download Software 
dbf to csv conversion

3. Preview, select options for sorting, filtering data (if necessary)
You can also select/unselect columns, set order for columns.
common options for dbf to csv conversion

4. Select options for csv format:columns delimiter, rows delimiter (if necessary), and click "Finish"

CSV file format options

Import CSV File Into SQL Server Using Bulk Insert

 CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, sometimes also called Comma Delimited Values.

Steps For Importing CSV in Sql server 

  • Create The table whose data we are going to import into database

USE TestData
FirstName VARCHAR(40),
LastName VARCHAR(40),

where TestData is database name and CSVTest is table name
  • I assume your .Csv file lies in c:\csvtest.txt and it contains data like this


  • Then Run the following script in the query windows of sql server . Make sure your paths given are correct to .csv file


    FROM 'c:\csvtest.txt'
    --Check the content of the table.
    SELECT *
    FROM CSVTest
    --Drop the table to clean up database.


Saturday, 13 December 2014

using git making pull request and troubleshoot errors

Today I am going to share some most simple and easy steps how to use git . 

How we can get a git repository data on our Personal computer 
How to make changes to these files and then how to propose that merging of files to repository from where you have downloaded it 
How to deal or remove some every basic errors that came during this process

So lets start --
  • First of all go to link of directory or as we say repository on github like i am doing this for a MonoWeb Repository on link below
Ths repository is repository of official website of Mono 

  • First of the the thing you must have is gitbash . You can Download and setup gitbash from  here :-
1.  Download Git for Windows here:
I downloaded Git-1.7.6-preview20110708.exe. It contains the  full installer for official Git 1.7.6
2.  Follow the instructions here exactly as it says.
3.  Be sure to select these options:
- Use Git Bash only
- Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line ending

After Succesfully instaling git . You will having gitbash application we will be using it in our futher article 

These steps will also give Solution to error that came during pull or pushing data to git or cloning data from git . follow these simple steps will be answer for that .

Errors like 

not a valid object name 'master'

First go to the website or file on github like i goto and on the top there will something written Fork click on it then website will be forked to your github account like my repository is forked to

Step 1first create a directory say website

Step 2
get inside the directory using change directory command as show in image below 

Then clone the directory using following command with url from where you want to clone the data 

Step 3
now again website you are cloned will be cloned inside your website directory get inside it and fire the command to add upstream

Step 4
Now fetch the brancher available using fetch upstream command

Step 5 
Now Make some change to your files all the editing or insertion or new thing yo want to create

Step 6
Now pusht the repository you edited on your personal computer to the online repository to propose the changes

Step 7
Now all changes that i want to do are done and saved on my files that i have forked here at

So to do them also on Login to your account and go to website repository or website original community like i am going to or goto link like i am going to  then click on pull requests then click on create pull request 
Then it choose your branch there and then it will show automatically what changes you are propsing then write the title and some summery and click on create . Now your request for proposing changes to online repository will be done

Setting Up Path Variable windows

Setting Up Path Variables For Ruby 

Setting Up Path Variables For Python

Path variables are must need to setup whenever you are installing some developement platforms like android , java , Python , Ruby .

Today i have some task related to installation of Ruby and using the jekyll for some configuration a website so I decided to taste the task

Here is the Installation procedure for installing Python , Installing Ruby and setting up jekyll

Setting Up Jekyll , Python , Ruby

To set up your path variables you follow these steps

  1. Right on mycomputer 
  2. click on properties 
  3. click on Advanced settings
  4. Click on Environment Variables
  5. Now Search for Path System variable
  6. and hit enter on it
  7. Now in value field fill values for python and ruby installation at end of values already filled


These values will be filled according to where you have installed Ruby and python

Installing Python and Easy_install

Today i am going to touch the Python . I am having some task regarding configuration of a website so for that i have to use Python . I have never used it . But as a Programmer Saying - 

The More Time We have Spent on First programming language More Fastly we can do other 

Today i am going to test this saying

So Lets get started with the work --

Install Python

  • First of all Go to
  • Download appropriate version of Python windows installer, e.g. Python 2.7.6 Windows Installer.I prefer to install python 2 as currently python 3 is creating some problem .


  • For Python Installation Set the installation directory (e.g. C:\Python27) to PATH. (How to? See Troubleshooting #1)
  • Verify Python installation

python --version

Example output:

  • If your installation is done properly then it will show message as below .

Python 2.7.6

Install ‘Easy Install’

python “C:\”

  • Add ‘Python Scripts’ directory (e.g. C:\Python27\Scripts) to PATH.

Install Pygments

  • Verify easy_install is installed properly

easy_install --version

  • Example output:

setuptools 3.1

Install Pygments using “easy_install”

easy_install Pygments

Installing jekyll on windows

Install Ruby

while installation of ruby you may suffer from some errors like


Following the steps below carefully will be answer to these errors

  • Go to
  • In RubyInstallers section, click a version to download.
  • For example, Ruby 2.0.0-p451 (x64) is the Windows installer for Ruby 2.0.0 x64 on 64-bit machines. These are installers that i am going to use.
  • Complete the installtion by going through installer that you have downloaded
  • At time of installing Keep the default directory  to C:\Ruby200-x64 if possible, please note installer advises that 'Please avoid any folder name that contains spaces (e.g. My Ruby).'
  • Markt he checkbox saying "Add Ruby executables to your PATH" , so PATH will be updated automatically to avoid headaches.
  • Open up a command prompt window by pressing ctrl + r from your keyword and type in cmd and hit enter this will open command prompt and type in the following command, to see if Ruby has been install correctly or not.

Ruby installtion Setting Up jekyll
Ruby Installation - Installing jekyll

ruby -v                                                                              

Example output:
If ruby is installed correctly it will give you output as -

ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24) [x64-mingw32]

Install DevKit

  • The DevKit is a toolkit that makes it easy to build and use native C/C++ extensions for Ruby on Windows. 
  • Now first Go to again.
  • Download “DEVELOPMENT KIT” installer that matches the Windows architecture and the Ruby version just installed. For instance, DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe is for 64-bit Windows with Ruby 2.0.0 x64. These are versions that i am using

  • Here is a list about how to choose the correct DevKit version:
  1. Ruby 1.8.6 to 1.9.3: DevKit tdm-32-4.5.2
  2. Ruby 2.0.0: DevKit mingw64-32-4.7.2
  3. Ruby 2.0.0 x64: DevKit mingw64-64-4.7.2
  • Run the installer and extract it to a folder, e.g. C:\DevKit.
  • Initialize and create config.yml file. Type in the following commands in command Prompt window:

cd “C:\DevKit”
ruby dk.rb init
notepad config.yml

  • In opened notepad window, add a new line - C:\Ruby200-x64 at the end, SAVEand close.

  • Back to the Command Prompt, review (optional) and install.

ruby dk.rb review

ruby dk.rb install

Install Jekyll

  • Verify that gem has been installed properly

gem -v

Example output:

Install Jekyll gem
gem install jekyll

Install Python

Here is link on my blog about its installation or you can follow steps below
Installing Python and Easy_install
  • First of all Go to
  • Download appropriate version of Python windows installer, e.g. Python 2.7.6 Windows Installer.I prefer to install python 2 as currently python 3 is creating some problem .


  • For Python Installation Set the installation directory (e.g. C:\Python27) to PATH. (How to? See Troubleshooting #1)
  • verify Python installation

python --version

Example output:

  • If your installation is done properly then it will show message as below .

Python 2.7.6

Install ‘Easy Install’

  • Visit for detailed installation instructions.
  • For Windows 7 machines, download and SAVE it, for example, to C:\. Then run it using Python in a command prompt window:

python “C:\”

  • Add ‘Python Scripts’ directory (e.g. C:\Python27\Scripts) to PATH.

Install Pygments

  • Verify easy_install is installed properly

easy_install --version

  • Example output:

Install Pygments using “easy_install”

easy_install Pygments

Start Jekyll

  • Following the commands on official Jekyll Quick-start guide, a new Jekyll blog should be created and can be browsed at localhost:4000.

jekyll new myblog
cd myblog
jekyll serve

  • Now Everything is done Everytime you want to Start you already built website or new website with jekyll you just start your command prompt navigate to your website's root directory like

cd mywebsite

  • Then type in :-  'jekyll serve' and that's it yout server will be started in few seconds and after that you can navigate to your browser with url as -


Setting Up Path Variables For Python and Ruby