Thursday, 24 July 2014

Install MonoAndroid Tools in Visual Studio 2012

Mono came as a Revolution in the IT Market for CSharp Application Development . Csharp was introduced by Microsoft and it was mainly used in Visual Studio IDE by Microsoft . As Csharp all came with .Net Framework and .Net Framework . So nothing works Cross-Platform neither in linux nor in OSx . So Then Came the Another remarkable solution to this problem That called "MONO"  . Mono introduced with several thing that can be used with .net framework .

One of these was Mono Android Tools . These Tools allows the Csharp Developers to develop Android Applications using Csharp Code . They can choose Any IDE Either it could be Microsoft Visual Studio or Monodevelop . This has Increased the popularity of .NET Technology in the Market and It asked the Developers to think more n more about .NET Technology As With Mono .Net Technology Can Be used in Any Platform Availailble It can be used in Microsoft Windows , Linux operating Systems like -Ubuntu and also it can be used in OSx . And it can also be used in Mobile Applications Development like for Developing Android Applications , Windows Phone Applications and IOS Applications .

Now We are going to install Mono Android in Visual Studio 2012 ( comment for any help below)

System Requirements 

Operating Systems
Windows XP (32-bit), Vista (32- or 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit)

Development tools
JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)

 Steps For Mono Android Installation

1. First Install Java Jdk ( Java development Kit )
2. Then Install Java Sdk ( software development Kit )
3. Install Microsoft Visual Studio ( If Visual Studio is previously installed then skip this step )
4. Install Mono Android Setup file To integrate it in Visual Studio
5. Place , Configure SDK and Create AVD ( emulator ) .
6. Configuring Visual Studio  For Android Use

Step 1 -- Install Java Jdk 

Java Development Kit contains set of tools that allows to run the java Development tools on the particular platform with jdk we cannot do java development and Android development on that particular machine .
In Order To install android Java jdk Go to link below and you can find different versions of java jdk availaible there I am installing jdk-6u31 from link below 

Download Android Jdk -- geeksprogrammings

Step 2 -- Install Java Sdk 

For Installation of Java SDK we must ensure that java Jdk is installed properly else Android SDK Will not install .

Java SDK provide the Set of tools that allows the software development using java To Download Java SDK you can follow the link on oracle website :-

Download Android SDK --geeksprogrammings
Go to link accept the license and Click on Download

After Download Android Sdk Zip file Now Extract that file and place the extracted folder in somewhere like :- c:\android-sdk

Step 3 -- Intall Microsoft Visual Studio  ( skip this step if you have already installed visual studio )

Download Visual Studio 2012 -- geeksprogrammings

After Downloading Visual studio you can a similar intallation procedure here :-

How To install Visual Studio

Step 4 :- Now We are going to install Mono Tools for Mono Android to integrate with Visual Studio 

Download the following file to mono android integration in visual studio 2012

Download mono-android-

After Downloading it Install the msi file .After its Installation now you mono android is intall and your Visual Studio is ready for creating Mono Android or Android Applications


Step 5 :- Place , Configure SDK and Create AVD ( emulator ) .

Now Everything is installed now the game of configuration starts . First We remember that we have placed the android-sdk folder in C:\android-sdk

  1. So open Android Sdk folder you can see SDK Manager there Double click on it

  2. It will open Android SDK Manager it will show all Android Version with their respective API versions and you can see none of it will be installed by default you have to install it
  3. So I have installed Android 4.4 ( API 19 ) or you can also install Android 4.0 ( API 14 ) To install it just click on Check box at begin of it and then click on Install packages verify all other checkbox except these are unchecked .

  4. It may take more time according to your internet connection 
  5. After installation completes Click on Tools menu at top bar of SDK Manager

  6. Click on Manage AVD
  7. Then create an AVD like i have shown below :-

Then after creating AVD  select that AVD and click start button Then you can see AVD emulator that will appear on screen .

STEP 6 -- Configure Visual Studio For Android Application Development 

In Visual Studio We just need to configure one thing that is we have to configure proper path for android SDK Here is simple steps to configure or write proper sdk path .

Steps To configure Android SDK location :-

1. Open Visual Studio 2012
2. Click on Tools Menu 
3. Then click on Options
4. Then Options window appear if your Android SDK Location is not filled or not correct click on change button
5. Then click on browse button and choose android sdk path like :- C:\android-sdk and click OK If your path will be correct then you will see image as below in image my android sdk folder path is (c:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk ) and  it can be according to your sdk path . like C:\android-sdk

6. Then click ok to close options window
7. Now click on New Project
8. Then click on Mono For Android Then you will see following Screen This means Everything is good and Installed Correctly

In Next Article I will give introduction to App Development using CSharp in mono Android 

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2 Responses to "Install MonoAndroid Tools in Visual Studio 2012"

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    Parra seguir leyendo :: Jaime
