Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Difference Between C programming and C++ programming Language


1.         Follows Procedural Programming Approach . It is also called 
Structured programming approach. In Structured programming approach 
the program has well defined structure

EXAMPLE :-            write a program which implement compant, in which there 
are following departments :-
                           1. Quality                       2. Production                  3. Marketing

In Structured Programming , we first divide all departments into sections in
 structured way. LIke Quality department will have two sections :- Q1, Q2
 and so on.
            C++ FollowsObject Oriented Programming Approach

2.         C Does have or support concept of "classes". In C there was concept
 of "Structure"availaible. The main Problem with the concept of Structures is
 Structures does not support the binding of Data or variable and function in 
between them . In simple way we can say Structure does not support function .

            C++ has introduced the concept of "Classes". C++ has removed or 
replaced the concept of Structures with classes . It has removed the problem 
of non-support for function by Structures . Classes with OOPS most important
 feature Encapsulation supports the binding the Data Members like variables
 etc and Member functions like :- Void getdata( ) together in single user 
defined data type called Class

3.       C divides the problems into functions means in this all work that is to be 
performed by C program is divided into or grouped into set of statements
called functions

            C++ divides the problem into number of entities called objects. In this
 different functions are made in one class and this class can be made by making
 object of that class. An object of class is instance of that class like we create
 a variable of inbuilt datatypes similarly we create objects of class types.

4.        C Programming Language does not consist of Object Oriented concepts
           C++ is rich in Object Oriented Concepts . It is generally upgraded from 
C by including OOPS  . Main Object Oriented Concepts are as follows :-

1. Polymorphism              2. Classes and Objects             3. Encapsulation  
4. Abstraction                  5. Inheritance                            6. Data Hiding

5.  C lays more emphasis on how things are done means more attention is
 given to creativity or functions
     C++ lays more emphasis on data rather than functions.

6.  In C Data is global and accessible to all the functions of the program without
 any restrictions. so any function can change the data which reduces
 data security and integrity. It means we can say By default the data
can be publically accessed by all its members
     In C++ Data associated functions are bind together into a single unit called
 object, so the data of an object which protect data from unauthorized access, thus
 maintaining the security and integrity of data.

           7.   C represents non -   real world  modeling. 

                C++ represents real world modeling i.e.    it is close to reality. In other words, it is consistent with the way in which human thinks about solving the problems. As we know programs are made for solving problems . Problems are real world  problems.So that means the programs are designed for solving real world problems so if we have a programming language called C++ used for solving real world problems

8.       C follows top down approach.
      C++ follows bottom up approach

 9.      C is used for designing medium sized applications
         C++ is used for designing large and complex applications.
10. Simple user defined data types can be created 
       Complex user defined data types can be created .

11. Programming languages like C, Pascal, Fortran, Basic, etc follow this
 approach. Programming languages like C++Ada, Simula, Java, c#, Eiffel etc.
 follow this approach.

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2 Responses to "Difference Between C programming and C++ programming Language"

  1. It's kind of unreadable in Chrome, the column on the right is overlapping the main body of text. Can't appreciate the content when it's so hard to get to.
