Tuesday 4 October 2016

Gitless version control system

Gitless is an experimental version control system built on top of Git. Many people complain that Git is hard to use. We think the problem lies deeper than the user interface, in the concepts underlying Git. Gitless is an experiment to see what happens if you put a simple veneer on an app that changes the underlying concepts. Because Gitless is implemented on top of Git (could be considered what Git pros call a "porcelain" of Git), you can always fall back on Git. And of course your coworkers you share a repo with need never know that you're not a Git aficionado.

Gitless Set of Commands

  • gl init - create an empty repo or create one from an existing remote repo
  • gl status - show status of the repo
  • gl track - start tracking changes to files
  • gl untrack - stop tracking changes to files
  • gl diff - show changes to files
  • gl commit - record changes in the local repo
  • gl checkout - checkout committed versions of files
  • gl history - show commit history
  • gl branch - list, create, edit or delete branches
  • gl switch - switch branches
  • gl tag - list, create, or delete tags
  • gl merge - merge the divergent changes of one branch onto another
  • gl fuse - fuse the divergent changes of one branch onto another
  • gl resolve - mark files with conflicts as resolved
  • gl publish - publish commits upstream
  • gl remote - list, create, edit or delete remote

Creating a Repository

Say you are in directory foo and you want turn it into a repository. You do this with thegl init command. This transforms the current working directory into an empty repository and you are now ready to start saving changes to files in foo:
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo/
$ gl init
✔ Local repo created in /MyFiles/foo
In most cases there's already some existing repository you want to work on instead of starting with an empty repository. To make a local clone of a remote repository you can pass the URL of the repository as input to the same gl init command:
$ mkdir experiment $ cd experiment/ $ gl init https://github.com/spderosso/experiment ✔ Local repo created in /MyFiles/foo ✔ Initialized from remote https://github.com/spderosso/experiment
Complete Documentation Guidehttp://gitless.com/#documentation
Gitless Vs Githttp://gitless.com/#vs

Git Cheatsheet

Git is the open source distributed version control system that allows to perform GitHub activities on your desktop. This cheat sheet summarizes commonly used Git command line instructions for quick reference.

Git cheat list

  • list last 20 hashes in reverse
    git log -n 20 --reverse --format="%h %ae %s" --abbrev-commit
  • try a new output for diffing
    git diff --compaction-heuristic ...
             --color-words ...
  • enable more thorough comparison
    git config --global diff.algorithm patience
  • restoring a file from a certain commit relative to the latest
    git checkout HEAD~<NUMBER> -- <RELATIVE_PATH_TO_FILE>
  • restoring a file from a certain commit relative to the given commit
  • restoring a file from a certain commit
    git checkout <COMMIT_HASH> -- <RELATIVE_PATH_TO_FILE>
  • creating a diff file from unstaged changes for a specific folder
    git diff -- <RELATIVE_PATH_TO_FOLDER> changes.diff
  • applying a diff file
    • go to the root directory of your repository
    • run:  git apply changes.diff 
  • show differences between last commit and currrent changes:
    git difftool -d
  • referring to:
    • last commits ... HEAD~1 ...
    • last 3 commits ... HEAD~3 ...
  • show the history of changes of a file
    git log -p -- ./Scripts/Libs/select2.js
  • ignoring whitespaces
    git rebase --ignore-whitespace <BRANCH_NAME>
  • pulling for fast-forward only (eliminating a chance for unintended merging)
    git pull --ff-only
  • list of all tags
    git fetch
    git tag -l
  • archive a branch using tags
    git tag <TAG_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME>
    git push origin --tags
    you can delete your branch now
  • get a tagged branch
    git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME> <TAG_NAME>
  • list of all branches that haven't been merged to master
    git branch --no-merge master
  • enable more elaborate diff algorithm by default
    git config --global diff.algorithm histogram
  • list of all developers
    git shortlog -s -n -e
  • display graph of branches
    git log --decorate --graph --all --date=relative
    git log --decorate --graph --all --oneline 
  • remembering the password
    git config --global credential.helper store
    git fetch
    the first command tells git to remember the credentials that you are going to provide for the second command
  • path to the global config
  • example of a global config
       email = *****
       name = Aleksey Bykov
       password = *****
       tool = p4merge
    [mergetool "p4merge"]
       cmd = p4merge.exe \"$BASE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$MERGED\"
       path = \"C:/Program Files/Perforce\"
       trustExitCode = false
       default = simple
       tool = meld
       compactionHeuristic = true
    [difftool "p4merge"]
       cmd = p4merge.exe \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
       path = C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe
    [difftool "meld"]
       cmd = \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
       path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld.exe
  • viewing differences between current and other branch
    git difftool -d BRANCH_NAME
  • viewing differences between current and stash
    git difftool -d stash
  • viewing differences between several commits in a diff tool
    git difftool -d HEAD@{2}...HEAD@{0}
  • view all global settings
    git config --global -l
  • delete tag
    git tag -d my-tag
    git push origin :refs/tags/my-tag
  • pushing tags
    git push --tags
  • checking the history of a file or a folder
    git log -- <FILE_OR_FOLDER>
  • disabling the scroller
    git --no-pager <...>
  • who pushed last which branch
    git for-each-ref --format="%(committerdate) %09 %(refname) %09 %(authorname)"
  • deleting remote branch
    git push origin :<BRANCH_NAME>
  • deleting remote branch localy
    git branch -r -D <BRANCH_NAME>
    or to sync with the remote
    git fetch --all --prune
  • deleting local branch
    git branch -d <BRANCH_NAME>
  • list actual remote branchs
    git ls-remote --heads origin
  • list all remote (fetched) branches
    git branch -r
  • list all local branches
    git branch -l
  • find to which branch a given commit belongs
    git branch --contains <COMMIT>
  • updating from a forked repository
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript.git
    git fetch upstream
    git rebase upstream/master

References :


Sunday 18 September 2016

SOLID Principles

 SOLID Principles are set of rules that Help us to write Better quality of code . By Better quality of code  I mean Code that can talk , Code that is extensible , Code that is loosely coupled , Code that is abstract and secure .

SOLID Principles guide us how we should design our Software / Web Applications . Most of the Unsuccessful Software lack SOLID Principles , How you design / Architecture your Software Defines the Healthy Life Span of your software . If Developers Don't Follow Good Principles Like SOLID etc while coding Software that makes Base of Software week and that kind of Software Surely lacks in Providing High Performance , High Scalability etc .

Why We Need SOLID Principles ?

If you have ever suffered from  Software Performing slow , lagging while operating it . Its a bug in their Software Architecture Design . Its does not matter or you may not know / experience any problem while designing low scalable system for small traffic website but when software usage is increased site needs to be more scalable in that case your code architecture will be tested and It is the case when Design Pattern , Code Architectures and SOLID Principles came into existence 

When Do We Need SOLID Principles ?

I am not saying you should only use SOLID Principles and other Design Patterns and Principles only in large Scale Project .I am just saying their power , performance , scalability came Make Tangible Effect in Large Scale Projects .


Real World  Example Why we need SOLID

I love to connect code principles with real world examples that better way to understand them . Real world example for SOLID could be - 

Let say we all have good way of eating , sitting , wearing clothes , behaving with others , respecting others and we all follow our own made these principles both in home , office everywhere so All in All we have made our these rules Our HABITS . that's the thing i wish to say you why adopting these principles is good it is because they will improve our Code pattern and will eventually make our code quality better .

There is no definite tutorial to make code quality better you can only improve by improving your code habits .

SOLID Consist of 5 Principles :- 

1.  Single Responsibility Principle ( SIP )
2.  Open closed principle ( OCP )
3.  Liskov substitution principle ( LSP )
4.  Interface segregation principle ( ISP )
4.  Dependency injection principle ( DIP )

We will be Covering Each SOLID Principle One By One . In that way you will get proper time to reaad blog article and understand it . If you have any question or confusion feel free to comment below . We will start First Principle of SOLID S - SIGNGLE RESPONSIBLITY PRINCIPLE in next post .

Feel Free to Share geeksprogrammings with others .

Sunday 28 August 2016

Medical ATM's In India

Yes, You heard it right 'Medical ATM' . Similar to ATM Machines To Withdraw money Pilot Project for 1 year is launched in India in which Government has provided ATM's to Withdraw their medicines . You will be surprised & having  number of questions in your mind regarding what facility will be provided and how ?

Medical ATM Will Connect Patients To Online-Doctor Who Will Register the Patient and Advice the Machine to Dispense Right Medicine

Major Question in your mind could be Who Will Give Prescription ? Yes , so Under this Project Whenever you visit a doctor you will be get a printed Bill With a Bar Code on it and yes that bar code will contain all information about you prescribed medicines It will act like a Medical Card your all your Health Info and you just need to Show Bar Code on your Medical Slip in front of Bar Code Scanner on ATM then ATM will push our your prescribed medicines to you after collecting money from you .

Isn't this wonderful . Yes , Definitely . Five ATMs have been lauched in four states of India — MP, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh — under  Health Ministry pilot Project .

India currently has 0.51 doctors per 1,000 population, half the 1:1,000 ratio recommended by World Health Organization. Rural India’s ratio is 0.63 per 10,000. This project is lauched due to massive shortage of doctors in the Country to help some people and fullfill the shortage of doctors on required Locations and Situations .

From call centres, doctors will evaluate the condition of the patient — and if needed they will talk to Patients — and decide whether the person needs to be referred to a Clinic where doctor is available . In the latter case, a prescription will be generated and a command given automatically to the ATM to dispense only the drug prescribed, and no other. The MPHW will explain the dosage to the patient. And in case urgent referral is required, the 108 ambulance service will be made available at the sub-centre.

Every ATM will be managed by  multipurpose public health worker (MPHW) or an auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM) armed with a multi-parameter patient vital monitor and other devices required for checking basic health parameters After successfull registeration of Patient these indicators would be transmitted to a medical call centre through a GSM-based monitor. In Beginning basic health parameters such as temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose and blood haemoglobin will be checked and the data instantly transmitted.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Javascript Event Propagation vs Event PreventDefault

Event Propagation vs Event PreventDefault

Event Propagation

Event Propagation Stops the Event from bubbling or making the event Chain . 

Example : -  A Click Event on a <td> tag will also fire click event on it's parent <tr> and this event chain also continues to parent <table> tag of that <tr> this makes a event chain in order to stop this event Chain propagation we can Use StopPropagation that Prevents this from happening.

StopPropagation ( ) will stop that event from happening on parent (the entire ancestors). When We Use StopPropagation only < td > Event will fire as per our Example above its parent < tr > or            < table > Click event will not fire .

StopPropagation ( ) Tells downward propagation of the event is stopped and also its upward propagation

Event PreventDefault

Event PreventDefault () Prevents the Default Browser Action In Response the Event Triggered . The preventDefault method prevents an event from carrying out its default functionality

Example : If we want to Stop Form Submit on click of Submit Button in form we can use PreventDefault to stop the default form submit behaviour of submit button in form .

As its name tells it just prevent occurence of the default behavior of event like if you need to prevent the click to occur on click event or stop entering of symbols in textbox if its character then make a check it entered character is symbol on keypress press and execute preventdefault ( ) to prevent default behavior of execution of  event on keypress and nothing will enter in textbox if its symbol .

CODE EXAMPLE For StopPropagation

<div onclick='executeParent()'>
<a href='http://google.com'>Click here to visit google.com</a>
$('a').click(function(event) {
$('a').text('Click event is going to be executed');
function executeParent() {

CODE EXPLANATION For StopPropagation

If you execute the code above, the function executeParent() will not be called and you will not get the javascript alert this time. This is due to us having prevented the propagation to the parent div using event.stopPropagation() method. Next you will see the hyperlink ‘Click here to visit google.com‘ replaced by the text ‘Click event is going to be executed‘ and immediately you will be redirected to google.com. This is because we haven’t prevented the default click action from triggering this time using event.preventDefault() method.

CODE EXAMPLE For PreventDefault

<div onclick='executeParent()'>
<a href='http://google.com'>Click here to visit google.com</a>
$('a').click(function(event) {
$('a').text('Click event prevented');
function executeParent() {

CODE EXPLANTION For PreventDefauls

If you execute the code above, the function executeParent() will not be called and you will not get the javascript alert. This is due to us having prevented the propagation to the parent div using event.stopPropagation() method. Next you will see the hyperlink ‘Click here to visit google.com‘ replaced by the text ‘Click event prevented‘ and you will not be redirected to google.com. This is because we have prevented the default click action from triggering this time using event.preventDefault() method.

Javascript Event StopPropagation

Event Propagation

Event Propagation Stops the Event from bubbling or making the event Chain . 

Example : -  A Click Event on a <td> tag will also fire click event on it's parent <tr> and this event chain also continues to parent <table> tag of that <tr> this makes a event chain in order to stop this event Chain propagation we can Use StopPropagation that Prevents this from happening.

StopPropagation ( ) will stop that event from happening on parent (the entire ancestors). When We Use StopPropagation only < td > Event will fire as per our Example above its parent < tr > or            < table > Click event will not fire .

StopPropagation ( ) Tells downward propagation of the event is stopped and also its upward propagation


<div onclick='executeParent()'>
<a href='http://google.com'>Click here to visit google.com</a>
$('a').click(function(event) {
$('a').text('Click event is going to be executed');
function executeParent() {

If you execute the code above, the function executeParent() will not be called and you will not get the javascript alert this time. This is due to us having prevented the propagation to the parent div using event.stopPropagation() method. Next you will see the hyperlink ‘Click here to visit google.com‘ replaced by the text ‘Click event is going to be executed‘ and immediately you will be redirected to google.com. This is because we haven’t prevented the default click action from triggering this time using event.preventDefault() method.