Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Git Cheatsheet

Git is the open source distributed version control system that allows to perform GitHub activities on your desktop. This cheat sheet summarizes commonly used Git command line instructions for quick reference. Git cheat list list last 20 hashes in reverse git log -n 20 --reverse --format="%h %ae %s" --abbrev-commit try a new output for diffing git diff --compaction-heuristic...

Sunday, 18 September 2016

SOLID Principles

 SOLID Principles are set of rules that Help us to write Better quality of code . By Better quality of code  I mean Code that can talk , Code that is extensible , Code that is loosely coupled , Code that is abstract and secure . SOLID Principles guide us how we should design our Software / Web Applications . Most of the Unsuccessful Software lack SOLID Principles...

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Medical ATM's In India

Yes, You heard it right 'Medical ATM' . Similar to ATM Machines To Withdraw money Pilot Project for 1 year is launched in India in which Government has provided ATM's to Withdraw their medicines . You will be surprised & having  number of questions in your mind regarding...

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Javascript Event Propagation vs Event PreventDefault

Event Propagation vs Event PreventDefault Event Propagation Event Propagation Stops the Event from bubbling or making the event Chain .  Example : -  A Click Event on a <td> tag will also fire click event on it's parent <tr> and this event chain also continues to parent <table> tag of that <tr> this makes a event chain in order...

Javascript Event StopPropagation

Event Propagation Event Propagation Stops the Event from bubbling or making the event Chain .  Example : -  A Click Event on a <td> tag will also fire click event on it's parent <tr> and this event chain also continues to parent <table> tag of that <tr> this makes a event chain in order to stop this event Chain propagation we can Use StopPropagation...

Event Prevent Default in Javascript

Event PreventDefault Event PreventDefault () Prevents the Default Browser Action In Response the Event Triggered . The preventDefault method prevents an event from carrying out its default functionality Example : If we want to Stop Form Submit on click of Submit Button in form we can use PreventDefault to stop the default form submit behaviour of submit button in...

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Difference Between http get and jsonp

An HTTP GET request is what you get when you enter a URI in your browser or when you click on a link on a web page. Certain HTML elements, like also generate GET requests. GET requests a resource from the server. You can pass additional information to a server-side script by adding 'query parameters' after the script, such as Example Domain. Say you're on domain www.example.com,...