Showing posts with label What is Bower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Bower. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 July 2016

What is Bower And Why To Use Bower

Websites are made up of number of Things That include - Framework , Libraries , HTML , CSS , Javascript , Fonts, Images etc

To Keep Track of All These Packages and Making Sure they are up todate is not an easy thing . Bower act as an rescue for us


Bower Do the Work of Installing and Updating Project Dependencies . That Includes Libraries that project uses like jquery etc .What it does is to go To All Library Websites Downloading the packages Unpacking them and place them in project folder so that project can use them and all of this is done use some set of commands.

Bower Help Us To Manage Components like HTML, CSS , Javascript ,fonts , images etc . Bower Just tries to maintain Version of the package as per our Dependency and Need For the Project as specified .

Bower Contains a File 'Manifest File' - bower.json This file is used by bower to keep track of managing packages . It work by fetching, saving , installing package from web and update them in bower.json

Getting Started With Bower

Complete List Of Bower Commands

How To Install Bower

In Order to Install Bower You Need To Install NPM . The best way to install npm is to install node using the node.js installer. npm is installed as part of node.

Download NPM 

If you are using Linux Use Command Below to install NPM
sudo npm install npm -g

After Installing NPM Install Bower By Using Command Below
npm install -g bower

Intalling Packages Using Bower

$ bower install <package>

After Execution of this command bower_components folder will be create and all packages will reside under this folder

Bower Example

> bower install --save jquery # or bower i -S jquery
This command will download the latest version of jQuery into the bower_components/jquery folder.

Sample bower.js File

# installs the project dependencies listed in bower.json
$ bower install
# registered package
$ bower install jquery
# GitHub shorthand
$ bower install desandro/masonry
# Git endpoint
$ bower install git://
$ bower install