Monday, 11 July 2016

Google Maps API Error Missing Keymap Error

Google recently changed the terms of use for Google Maps APIs. if you were already using Google Maps API on your website (different from localhost) prior to June 22nd, 2016, nothing will change for you. After 22 June,2016, you Must Need an API key in order to fix your error. You Can't Use Google Maps API With Generating Key To Use Google API's . The free API key is valid up...

New Features of Android N

Virtual reality In Android N Virtual Reality is a big piece of the Android N puzzle. Google Has Powered Android 'N' with a new Android-powered platform called Daydream .But that also needs SmartPhone Makers To Upgrade their SmartPhones You Will need a Daydream-certified phone...

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Meet Google Cast

Check Out Details About Google Cast Here .... Google Cast is a technology that lets you cast your favorite entertainment and apps from your phone, tablet or laptop right to your TV or speakers. Google Cast, the technology working as base of Chromecast, is now made available...

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Object Pooling in Csharp

What is Object Pooling in Csharp ? Object Pooling is Technique for Efficient Resource Allocation.A Performance Optimization Technique that is based on using Pool of Pre-Allocated Resources Such of Objects For Efficient Resource Allocation . It refers to Reusing of Allocated Memory again and again instead of demanding for more memory as there are chances that more required  memory...

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Amazon : Buy Products With Amazon Echo

What Is Amazon Echo  Amazon Echo is a voice-enabled wireless speaker developed by Ecommerce Giant Amazon ( . Echo is a  9.25-inch Device Structure is something looks like cylinder that contains speaker with a seven-piece microphone array. Amazon Echo...

Monday, 4 July 2016

Google Will Now Show Recent Earthquake Magnitude In Google Search

Google Is Expanding Like Amazon ( Amazon River ) . Its increasing its features like Water in Amazon River . One more Gold Star on Google Milestones is Now Google Will Give Information About Recent EarthQuake in your City / Area . It will give you information about When Earthquake...

Google Maps Road Trips Upgraded

Make Your Trips Navigable With Google Maps Now . Google Upgraded Google Maps . Upgrade Google Maps Now on Your Android Smartphones To Taste The latest Upgraded Road View for Google Maps . New Update to Google Maps Will Now Allow you to Add Multi-Stop Directions Directions for...

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Friday, 3 June 2016

Difference Between MVC and webforms

The main advantages of The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site MVC are: Enables the full control over the rendered HTML. Provides clean separation of concerns(SoC). Enables Test Driven Development (TDD). Easy integration with JavaScript frameworks. Following the design of stateless...

Monday, 23 May 2016

Abstract Class vs interface in Csharp

Abstract Class Abstract Class is a class that is used as a base class and contains common methods that can be defined by class that inherits from this Base Class .  We can only inherit abstract class But We cannot instantiate Abstract Class . Abstrac classes contains both incomplete & complete methods . Means it can contains functions with definitions as well as abstract...

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Difference Between Generic and Collections in C#

Difference Between Array - Generic - Collections in Csharp Array : An Array is Fixed Size Data Type . For Storing data in Array you need to define the size of array and Also Type of Array ( int, string , float etc ) Depending on Memory Allocation Data Types are of Two Types - Value Type  Reference Type  See Difference Between Value Type and Reference Type in...

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Convert Date Format To dd/mm/yy in Sql Server

If you Mssql Server is Using Some Other Date Format For Insert Date in Date Column Then Possibly Default Date format is set to US Date Format ( mm/dd/yy ) and if you want to insert date in dd/mm/yy . In order to insert date in this format you need to set Date Format to French / British ( dd/mm/yy ) So first I recommend you to Use any of Jquery Date Picker and pass the selected...