Showing posts with label Value Types. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Value Types. Show all posts

Saturday 19 September 2015

Value Types Vs Reference Types Dotnet

Stack and heap

In order to understand stack and heap, let’s understand what actually happens in the below code internally.

public void Method1()
    // Line 1
    int i=4;

    // Line 2
    int y=2;

    //Line 3
    class1 cls1 = new class1();

It’s a three line code, let’s understand line by line how things execute internally.
  • Line 1: When this line is executed, the compiler allocates a small amount of memory in the stack. The stack is responsible for keeping track of the running memory needed in your application.
  • Line 2: Now the execution moves to the next step. As the name says stack, it stacks this memory allocation on top of the first memory allocation. You can think about stack as a series of compartments or boxes put on top of each other.
  • Memory allocation and de-allocation is done using LIFO (Last In First Out) logic. In other words memory is allocated and de-allocated at only one end of the memory, i.e., top of the stack.
  • Line 3: In line 3, we have created an object. When this line is executed it creates a pointer on the stack and the actual object is stored in a different type of memory location called ‘Heap’. ‘Heap’ does not track running memory, it’s just a pile of objects which can be reached at any moment of time. Heap is used for dynamic memory allocation.

Why String Are Value Types Csharp Dotnet

The distinction between reference types and value types are basically a performance tradeoff in the design of the language. Reference types have some overhead on construction and destruction and garbage collection, because they are created on the heap. Value types on the other hand have overhead on method calls , because the whole object is copied rather than just a pointer.

Because strings can be  much larger than the size of a pointer, they are designed as reference types. Also, as Servy pointed out, the size of a value type must be known at compile time, which is not always the case for strings.

Strings aren't value types since they can be huge, and need to be stored on the heap. Value types are stored on the stack. Stack allocating strings would break all sorts of things: the stack is only 1MB, you'd have to box each string, incurring a copy penalty, you couldn't intern strings, and memory usage would balloon, etc

That is why a string is really immutable because when you change it even if it is of the same size the compiler doesn't know that and has to allocate a new array and assign characters to the positions in the array. It makes sense if you think of strings as a way that languages protect you from having to allocate memory on the fly