Showing posts with label MonoDevelop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MonoDevelop. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Install Monodevelop on Linux

MonoDevelop is a revolution in the era of Cross development by using Microsoft .NET programming language like Csharp ( C# ) , Visual Basic and Jsharp ( J# ) . Monodevelop has removed blame that Microsoft .NET software can only run on Windows platforms This makes possible to run .net applications and to build a .Net Application on any platform

MonoDevelop is a cross-platform IDE  developed for Csharp ( C# ) programming language  and other .NET programming languages. MonoDevelop allows programmers to program desktop softwares and ASP.NET Web applications and websites  on Linux, Windows  and Mac OSX. MonoDevelop  makes possible for .net programmers to run , create and deploy their .net software applications on cross-platforms Any  .NET application developed  with Visual Studio can be used in linux or Mac with the help of MonoDevelop

Windows platform is fully supported  for running MonoDevelop and it is fully accepted. In past there were many issues regarding Mono Development but now  Many Windows specific issues have been fixed, and ome add-ins such as debugging and subversion support have been written specifically for Windows and it is fully supported by windows

By developing with mono specifically, you will be able to run your executable on any platform that has mono available for it. That in and of itself is mono's biggest advantage over developing on MSFT's .Net platform. Said differently: If you build you assembly with mono, you're guarantee cross-platform support

Features Of MonoDevelop

  1. Multi-platform support

    It Supports Linux ( ubuntu etc ) , Windows( xp,7,8 etc ) and Mac OS X operating systems
  2. Advanced Text Editing Facilities

    It provides Code completion support for Csharp  4 that is lastest version for csharp
    It also provides  code templates and  code folding.
  3. Configurable workbench

    Fully customizable window layouts, user defined key bindings, external tools
  4. Multi-language programming Facilities

    Monodevelop supports various programming languages like - C#, Visual Basic.Net, C/C++, Vala

GTK# Visual Designer

Easily build GTK# applications

Installation Steps for MonoDevelop in Ubuntu 


You can also see installation of monodevelop on Windows Here :-
So, when you are going to start installation of monodevelop on ubuntu , i am trying it on ubuntu version 12.04 one thing you want to remember is you can install monodevelop on ubuntu with various methods it includes various packages and you should never install them one by one you should also go for a complete package for installation of monodevelop on ubuntu .
1. Press Ctrl + Alt + T and it will Opens Terminal Screen 

2. Type in the following command to install monodevelop :-

sudo apt-get install monodevelop
3. Then Hit Enter

4. If you got the following error :-

Error :- Unable to locate the package monodevelop

This is common error that number of users that are installing monodevelop on ubuntu face . So don't fear from this error this is simple error as it is unable to locate the monodevelop so it means there is need to update the software center or software repository of ubuntu to locate the monodevelop product

5. So simple solution of this error is open Terminal and fire the following command :-

sudo apt get update

and then Hit enter

6. This command requires internet connection and it may take some time to get completed and if this command completes successfully then now monodevelop would be located

7. Now run the following command to install monodevelop

sudo apt-get install monodevelop

8. First it will  prompt you for installation procedure of monodevelop Press y to conform 'Yes'

9. Then It will automatically install and files , packages required for mono
Now you will se a monodevelop icon on your ubuntu sidebar like below -- the blue monodevelop icon

10. click on blue monodevelop icon and you will be presented with monodevelop IDE