Saturday, 21 May 2016

Evolution of Javascript To Jquery To AngularJS

Today’s starting programmers mostly directly dive into Jquery / angularjs , Programmers of last decade started with javascript . and Now Angularjs is on hike . See whenever a WebPage is opened , JS / Jquery / AngularJS Code is on Client Side So Amount of Code is adds to Page will Increase Request Time . We Use Javascript Before Jquery , Different types of Sliders , Dom Manipulations...

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tempdata vs Session in MVC

Why Sessions are Not Recommended to use in MVC One of the Fundamental Principal of Asp.Net MVC Framework is  Web is Stateless And AspDotNet MVC is Stateless AspDotnet WebForms is a try to make Stateful Modal But Its difficult to main it as this modal does not exist . Sessions Create lot of load on Cache that was biggest problem . Using Session in AspDotNet MVC is like...

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Which is a more valuable skill in freelancing Web Development or Web Designing

Quality Of Work is Valuable in Freelancing , Along with Dedication to work , Punctuality , Quick and Efficient Decision Making & Logical Thinking etc . If we go for Comparing Designer With Web Developer To know which one is more valuable Then I think the Comparing them makes no sense . Its like comparing Michael Jordan To Lionel Messi . So we Should . They both are from...

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Create News Feed In PHP

Code To Create A Simple News Feed In PHP Use Ajax & Jquery To Fetch & Populate News Feed . Make Ajax Call From Page Control Will go to specified PHP page through ajax call then fetch data in that PHP page and send data to callback to Ajax Call See A simple Example below :- HTML PAGE CODE <html> <head> //Required CSS / JSS Files </head> <body> <div...

Does domain extension affect seo

Impact Of Domain Extension On Seo And Business Success What Do you Think Does Domain Extensions Make Any Effect on SEO of Website . Everybody First tries to get '.COM' Extension and other extension like .info , .in etc are not liked so much . What Do you think does domain extension put any effect on Optimization of Your Content on Search Engines . There are neither any...

How Twitter Bootstrap Works

Twitter Bootstrap is very well known CSS framework today . It is easy to Use CSS framework that helps in Creating Responsive Web pages . I am going to give a Brief Overview of How Bootstrap Differentiate between Different Screen Sizes Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile first...

Friday, 6 May 2016

What is POCO in Entity Framework

POCO stands for "Plain Old CLR Object" Here CLR means Common Language Rutime that includes dotnet supported languages like C#, VB etc. A Plain Old CLR Objects (POCO) is a class that doesn't depend on any framework-specific base class. It is like any other normal .Net class; that is why they are called “Plain Old CLR Objects”. These POCO entities support most of the same LINQ...

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Why Best Developers Use Google And Stack Overflow All The Time

GOOGLE   &   STACKOVERFLOW Some programmers are blamed for Using Google and Stack Overflow for accomplishing their tasks and most people A novice coder might feel relying on Google or Stack Overflow is a bad thing But Believe Me Resources Says Opposite is True . Brain Memory is most Valuable Disk Space and It Cannot Be Wasted For Storing...

How Google AMP Speeds Up Performance

Source : The following optimizations combined are the reason AMP pages are so fast they appear to load instantly: Allow only asynchronous scripts JavaScript is powerful, it can modify just about every aspect of the page, but it can also block DOM construction and delay page rendering (see also Adding...

What is AMP and How AMP Works

AMP HTML  Official Website : AMP HTML is a way to build web pages for static content that render with reliable, fast performance. It is our attempt at fixing what many perceive as painfully slow page load times – especially when reading...